Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Spirit of Generosity

   Elaine was the Spirit of Generosity.  It was a fairly reasonable job.  Her boss was the Spirit of Leadership, so he, naturally, was a great leader.  Unfortunately, as she was the Spirit of Generosity, it was in the job description that she give away her pay check to those who needed it more than her.  This lead to cheap clothes, a less than appealing neighborhood, and living in an alley.
   One Thursday, near the end of an extremely busy day, Elaine was doing her last job of the day.  A middle school in Delaware was in need of a new computer lab.  Hot Topic was debating if they should really give the school the money.
   "They already have computers." one man reasoned. "Why would they need new ones?"
   "Because they have Dells." a woman said.
    The group of men and women turned to the man who would choose whether or not the school got the money.  He was about to refuse, but then he started to feel unusually nostalgic.  He remembered when he was young, and his best friend went to a school that needed money terribly.  The school was so awful because of that.
   "Yes, we will give the school the money." he said, and the people wondered why he was being so generous.
   It was another job well done by Elaine.  Now it was time to home to her alley.  It was sad that no one could be generous enough to offer her a place to stay for the night.  She guessed that humans just couldn't generous without a push in the right direction by her.
   At the alley, Elaine's stomach roared in hunger, but she couldn't waste her money on dinner if she wanted to have breakfast the next day.  She tried to fall to sleep, but her empty stomach wouldn't let her.
It was going to be a miserable night. She could tell.
   Out of nowhere, a pair of feet tapped on the pavement near her.
   "Excuse me, you look hungry." a little girl stated.
   "Yeah, I guess I am." Elaine replied.
   "Here. I was gonna buy some gum, but you need it more." the girl held out a dollar bill.
   Elaine was amazed.  Here was a child who was generous without her influence.  It was a first.
   Perhaps, there was hope for humanity, and perhaps, Elaine had just found the prefect successor.