Monday, October 25, 2010

Annoying Amy

  "Hello, class! We have a new student. Her name is Amy." our overly enthusiastic teacher squealed.
  "Hi. I'm Amy and I love to knit." the new girl said.
  Amy was short and skinny. Her hair was dark brown and her eyes were an indeterminate color. Trinsa immediately ran up to her and bombarded her with "friendly" questions as if she wasn't just trying to acquire gossip.
  I felt disgusted at Trinsa's behavior. Amy grabbed up some knitting needles and started to knit. All through the day, during math, reading, ect.  I really had no idea what the big deal was with knitting.
  For three months whenever I saw her Amy was knitting. It was actually kind of scary how obsessive she was. On the day before Christmas break Amy passed out packages for everyone.
  They were sweaters. Mine was a royal purple with yellow swirls. Trinsa's was a hot pink with the word        " LOSER" in a fancy script. You should have seen the horror that was her expression. I decided thatAmy was an absolutely amazingly fantastic person. That and that knitting isn't as useless as I thought. 

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