Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Waltz of the Swing

  Have you ever thought of my point of view? Of course you haven't. You humans never pause to think about how us swings feel. Why would you. To you we are simply inanimate objects. Props in your everyday life. But believe me when I say there's more to us than meets the eye.
  I started out as a young swing learning physics and Swing Theory. It was tough but it was necessary. Finally after 3 years of science we got to the famous Waltz of the Swing. Of course you humans believe that you are moving us. You're wrong. That silly pumping you do with your legs is ridiculous. 
  "Mr. Swingington, remember the rhythm." Mrs. Down said.
  One, two, three, one two, three, one, two, three, one two, three. The numbers rang through my head in an endless pattern.
  Finally, I mastered it and graduated. I'll show you my class picture.

  Anyway I was sent to a girl. She was now my partner in the Waltz of the Swing. I quickly learned that she preferred to go forwards rather than backward and in this way we were alike. When we went forward we both were happy. When we went backwards the girl was scared and gripped my chains tighter. Overall our dance was successful.
  But then came the fateful day when the girl fell off! Our dance had been ruined it's 1 2 3 rythm broken. The poor girl cried her little brown eyes out. She didn't like me anymore. She was scared of me. My beloved dance partner was gone. What would become of me? 
  My girl wouldn't touch me. I rusted and grew old and faded. The picture from school was in the past. I  looked hideous. 
  The girl came back to me after many years but she was now a woman.
  "I'm sorry." she apologized. "I shouldn't have been scared. I lost a good dance partner."
  I wished with all my rusted old heart that perhaps we could be partners one last time.
 The woman sat down on my worn out uncomfortable seat. But she didn't seem to mind. She grabbed rusty chains and pushed off. I creaked and groaned. Pain shot through me. my partner and I danced on. One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three. Then I collapsed.


  Harrrison Q. Swingington
        Beloved Swing
   Amazing Dance Partner
        Master of the
    Waltz of the Swing 


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