Monday, October 11, 2010

Keep Your Fingers Crossed

  The icy claws of fear dug into my heart. I was hyperventilating. What if I made a fool of myself? What if I they all laughed at me. What if I sounded like a frog? I really didn't want to go out on that stage.
  "Ally, you're up!" the stage manager called. "Break a leg!"
  I started up there and whispered to my friends, "Keep your fingers crossed."
  I stepped onto the stage; the audience was silent. Scary! I took a deep breath and sang. But, I was so nervous I threw up. My face burned in shame and the crowd looked at me in an obvious combination of disgust and pity. I ran off the stage. I wouldn't let them see me cry. Yeah,obviously keeping your fingers crossed doesn't work.

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