Monday, January 31, 2011

Internet Withdrawl Syndrome

  Hello. I am Dr. X, the leading researcher in Internet Withdrawl Syndrome. One of my bosses (the stupid one) told me to write a paper on how IWS came about. I think it's stupid to do so because everyone knows about it.
  It started on July 24, 2013. I woke up with a sliver of sunlight falling straight on my eyes. Stretching, I sat up. Sleep clouded my brain. After I did my morning routine I went on the Internet. Or at least I tried to. Unfortunately, the Internet wasn't working.
  I'll admit that I wasn't worried. My Internet server occasionally went down. It usually would be back up in a few hours.
  A few days later the Internet was still down. I realized EVEYONE's Internet was down. Soon, people started to get IWS.  People were randomly killing their family members because they couldn't get to their violent computer games. Communication between people slowed and soon there were thousands of hermits.
  I decided that I had to join the research squad. No one should have to go through IWS. It's the syndrome of our most accurate nightmares.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Remembering to Forget

  I quickly surveyed the building and saw a vent on the left side. Instantly, my body responded rushing into the shadows. Pulling out my laser, I opened the vent quietly. I crawled into the air duct, and it responded to my weight with an audible groan.
  My dark brown eyes were cool and calculating as I saw how even the tiniest whisper would echo as loud as an avalanche. I inwardly groaned. Couldn't being a government agent ever be easy? No, of course it couldn't.
  The vent creaked at the slightest movement. Maybe I needed to lose some weight? Then came the moment where I fell, or more correctly, the vent fell with me in it. Ouch.
  "Hello, Agent 007A! I was beginning to think you weren't coming." my arch nemesis, Professor Poppleenstein, cackled.
  "Hello, Professor." I cautiously replied. "How are you?"
  "Good. But, I'm sure you'd love to be shown to your room now." Poppleenstein said.
  "My usual room?" I asked.
  Huge, burly thugs came out and grabbed my arms forcefully. Their grips would leave bruises. I could fell them already forming.
  "Hello, Borus. Hey, Horus." I groaned.
  "Go interogate her." my enemy commanded.
  I smiled slyly. They didn't know that I had been trained to forget everything at a moments notice. Poppleenstein would never get a thing out of me because I wouldn't know. I let out a dark laugh. Let Poppleenstein interrogate me into the ground. He'd get nothing.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Air Fragrance

  If I could change the scent of air to any smell it would probably be lemons and rosemary.  I'd choose that because it's a distinctive, clean scent. I don't have to worry about it smelling bad when it gets wet, either. It's an unusual combination, or so says my friend.
  The smell reminds me of some of my favorite memories. My great grandmother's old house always smelled like that. But, she had to move in with my poppop. I still miss that house. It was filled with knicknacks and great memories.
  I feel that if  that scent filled the air at all time I'd always be relaxed and happy. Who doesn't want that? 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


   There's this new product called MouseMail. It's a software that allows parent to check upon their children's dubious emails. It can also check up on your texts.
   I believe that this is a useful tool for monitoring younger children about 3-10. Do you really want your five year old to go EVERYWHERE on the Internet. Yeah, I don't think so. It'll be good for parents that want to be able to set their minds at ease.
   On the other hand, I also believe that older children should be trusted on the computer. By now they should know how to avoid websites that aren't a good thing to see, and that they'll be smart enough to report any instances of bullying. Parents need to give their older kids some trust and freedom.
   MouseMail can be a great tool if adults use it on the right age group. Using it on your sixteen year old kid is a bit much. So, parents should be careful not to go overboard. If they do that MouseMail can very helpful.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Barbie

  Okay, so once I got this really awful presentt from one of my uncles. He gave me a Barbie doll. Since, I've already written about this experience before. I decided I'd just express my feelings about it.
  I was in a awkward situation. I was embarrassed that I got a Barbie doll, and I felt bad because I had to lie and say that I liked it. But, I knew that my parents would kill me if I told my real thoughts about the present.
  Luckily, one thing came out of that experience that was at least slightly educational about myself. The reason that I didn't want the Barbie was because I thought that all that girly junk was unattractive. To be pampered and wear all those uncomfortable clothes would be awful.
  I guess there is a purpose for bad gifts. It's to teach us about oureselves. Mostly so we never make the mistake to buy something like said bad present for yourself.