Monday, January 3, 2011

The Barbie

  Okay, so once I got this really awful presentt from one of my uncles. He gave me a Barbie doll. Since, I've already written about this experience before. I decided I'd just express my feelings about it.
  I was in a awkward situation. I was embarrassed that I got a Barbie doll, and I felt bad because I had to lie and say that I liked it. But, I knew that my parents would kill me if I told my real thoughts about the present.
  Luckily, one thing came out of that experience that was at least slightly educational about myself. The reason that I didn't want the Barbie was because I thought that all that girly junk was unattractive. To be pampered and wear all those uncomfortable clothes would be awful.
  I guess there is a purpose for bad gifts. It's to teach us about oureselves. Mostly so we never make the mistake to buy something like said bad present for yourself.

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