Monday, January 24, 2011

Remembering to Forget

  I quickly surveyed the building and saw a vent on the left side. Instantly, my body responded rushing into the shadows. Pulling out my laser, I opened the vent quietly. I crawled into the air duct, and it responded to my weight with an audible groan.
  My dark brown eyes were cool and calculating as I saw how even the tiniest whisper would echo as loud as an avalanche. I inwardly groaned. Couldn't being a government agent ever be easy? No, of course it couldn't.
  The vent creaked at the slightest movement. Maybe I needed to lose some weight? Then came the moment where I fell, or more correctly, the vent fell with me in it. Ouch.
  "Hello, Agent 007A! I was beginning to think you weren't coming." my arch nemesis, Professor Poppleenstein, cackled.
  "Hello, Professor." I cautiously replied. "How are you?"
  "Good. But, I'm sure you'd love to be shown to your room now." Poppleenstein said.
  "My usual room?" I asked.
  Huge, burly thugs came out and grabbed my arms forcefully. Their grips would leave bruises. I could fell them already forming.
  "Hello, Borus. Hey, Horus." I groaned.
  "Go interogate her." my enemy commanded.
  I smiled slyly. They didn't know that I had been trained to forget everything at a moments notice. Poppleenstein would never get a thing out of me because I wouldn't know. I let out a dark laugh. Let Poppleenstein interrogate me into the ground. He'd get nothing.

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