Wednesday, January 5, 2011


   There's this new product called MouseMail. It's a software that allows parent to check upon their children's dubious emails. It can also check up on your texts.
   I believe that this is a useful tool for monitoring younger children about 3-10. Do you really want your five year old to go EVERYWHERE on the Internet. Yeah, I don't think so. It'll be good for parents that want to be able to set their minds at ease.
   On the other hand, I also believe that older children should be trusted on the computer. By now they should know how to avoid websites that aren't a good thing to see, and that they'll be smart enough to report any instances of bullying. Parents need to give their older kids some trust and freedom.
   MouseMail can be a great tool if adults use it on the right age group. Using it on your sixteen year old kid is a bit much. So, parents should be careful not to go overboard. If they do that MouseMail can very helpful.

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