Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Megan's Magic Market

  I walked into my favorite store, Megan's Magic Market. The bell jingled when I swung open the glass door.
  "Hi, Megan!" I greeted the young lady who ran the store.
  "Oh! If it isn't my favorite magic addict." Megan teased. "Looking for anything?"
  "Nothing specific. I'll call you if I find anything." I said amiably.
  She shrugged her purple clad shoulders and walked into the back room.
  I stood for a moment taking in the magic shop. The scent of heavy incense filled the air of the shop leaving me slightly dizzy. While the scent was good, it was extremely strong and I could taste a heavy bitterness on my tongue.
  Skulls (I had no idea whether they were real), candles, magic wands, cursed swords (Again, I don't know if they're real), cards, and magic manuals laid, some covered in a thick sheet of dust, on the shelves. A few white doves were locked in bird cages. Rabbits of all colors glared at me.
  Then, I saw it. The one thing I really, really wanted. I had always hoped for a rabbit of my own, but none really popped out at me. Megan always said that when getting a pet to help you with magic it chooses you.
  The rabbit that I saw and instantly wanted was coal black with mischievous red eyes. It stared at me, and I stared back.
  "Megan!!!" I called out.
  "Huh?!" I heard her say with an accompanying boom. "Ouch!"
  "Sorry!" I yelled. "Did you hit your head on that shelf again?"
  "Yeah, but I'm fine." she insisted while walking out of the back room.
  "Ummm....well, I found my rabbit." I beamed.
  "Really?" she squealed.
  "Yup! That one over there." I said, pointing to my bunny.
  Meagan stared at me incredulously.
  "It figures that you would get the cursed rabbit."she sighed.
  "Okay... how much is it?" I asked.
  "For you...thirty bucks." she said.
  I lifted the bunny and took him to my face. His fur was soft and he smelled like springtime. He was perfect.
  I quickly paid for him but refused the cage Megan was willing to throw in for free. Partners didn't keep each other in cages. It just wasn't done. Then, we left, the bell jingling when the glass door slammed shut with a quiet thud.      

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