Friday, December 10, 2010

My New Flower

  Salutations! I am R.A. Davis. I am a flower designer. In case you don't understand it means I'm hired every once in awhile by God to make a new flower, and today I got my new assignment. He told me to create a flower that attracted the new bat he was creating.
  I had already drawn up the plans. The flower's petals would be shaped like bat wings, and would be an alternating pattern of black and glowing white. The stem would look delicate but be very difficult to yank out of the ground.
  Now, I will tell you the secret to how it attracts this new bat. You can't tell anyone...or else I will be forced to turn YOU into a flower (or maybe a weed). So, the secret is that the flower sends out signals to attract the bat. the signals appeal to their echolocation. Genius, don't you think? I do. But, don't tell anyone about it. The stupid humans may try to take a specimen.   

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