Monday, December 6, 2010


  "Soooo, you want to play Scrabble?" my partner, Richard Tigerheart asked.
  "Nah." I replied. "Unless you have the really old bored game version..."
  "Sorry. I own the electronic version."
  Hello, I'm Rebecca A. Davis. I'm an astronaut. The year is 2025, and the technology is amazing. At least, it would be if I liked all the stupid technology. I prefer the old fashioned way of doing things, like using an actual board to play Scrabble instead of a hologram.
 "Becca, we're about to land on the mystery planet. Prepare for turbulence." June said.
  I saw my super model of a companion. June had long carrot hair. Her body was tall and slender. She wore a slim, sleek, purple space suit.
  When I was younger, space suits were big, and bulky. Now, they are form fitting, and light. The helmet looks a little like a motorcycle helmet, only it's slimmer.
  "Come on! We've landed!" Richard yelled.
  I zipped up my silver suit, and cautiously stepped out of the spaceship. The planet was lush, with red, orange, and lime green vegetation. I heard the light sound of insects.
  "Ha ha ha! This place is so cool!" Richard laughed.
  "Beautiful. I could totally design a clothing line based on this place." the part-time fashion designer, Sara, breathed.
  "We're in a potentially hostile environment. Stop acting like we're on a vacation." I scolded.
  "No one takes this stuff serious but you. You need to relax. Look, there's a hotspring!" June squealed.
  "Hmph! That water could be acidic." I warned.
  "That's why we have our suits." Richard said carelessly.
 "Relax." Sara said.
 The rest of them jumped into the hotspring. I sat on a rock, guarding.
 "Awww! Becky! Come on in!" whined June.
 "Don't call me Becky." I grumbled.
 The crew laughed at my expense. They're idiots. I mumbled incoherant words under my breath and turned the other way.
  Suddenly, I heard a shriek from the hotspring, and spun around fast. Someone was missing. Sara...not here. Oh no.
  "What the heck happened!!!" I roared.
  "S-sara d-d-disapeared." a trembling June whimpered.
  "S-she d-didn't disapear!" Richard wailed. "A creature dragged her under the water!"
  "Then get out of the hotspring, you idiots!" I yelled. Man, why do they always make my team idiots? I think they're trying to kill me. Homebase doesn't like me. All I did was blow up a few...million labs.
  They tried to scramble out of the water, but then a creature rose up.
  It was strange. It had the teeth of a sabertooth tiger. It's claws were a demented, much more deadly, version of a cat's. But, the scariest thing were the eyes. They looked like human eyes. The eyes even held the spark of human intelligence. I could tell that it's spark of intelligence was much brighter than ours. We didn't stand a chance in confrontation.
  "Retreat! Fall back, you ignoramouses!" I screamed, my throat raw.
  My crew stood frozen, staring into the eyes of the beast. At first, I was under the impression that thay were simply terrified. In actuality, the monster had hypnotized them, and I realized this. What a pain! I would just leave them here...but my bosses would kill me. Oh well.
  I took out a tractor ray and shot it at my idiotic team. It trapped them and I dragged them along while running away from the beast, who apparently wasn't thrilled with the idea of it's prey getting away.
  "Sorry about stealing your prey! I'd leave them with you, but then my bosses might murder me!" I yelled back.
  "Oh, if that's the reason, I understand, " the monster said in an extremely sophisticated voice.
  Well...I wasn't exactly shocked. I knew it was intelligent. But why did it have to have such a snooty voice. It made me fell inferior. I probably was, but still, you shouldn't make people feel like that.
  "Thanks! Oh yeah! And what's the name of this planet?" I skidded to a stop, while I spoke.
  "Juniga. Now, get along, little human. You are almost as intelligent as me. How unfortunate you were born into such a stupid race." the creature sympathized.
  "Tell me about it." i complained. "Well, bye."
  I trotted away, practically glowing with pride. I also brought along the others, in case you actually care.

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