Friday, December 3, 2010

Atttitude Adjustment

  "Come on!!!" my mom yelled. "It's time to get your first allergy shots."
   I was actually pretty nervous. Then again, I was like five years old. I was still afraid of needles.
  "O-okay." I stammered.
  I walked to the car and we drove to the allergy shot place.
  "Rebecca Davis, we are ready for you." the receptionist said.
  I trudged in there. I chewed on my lips until they bled. The doctor swooped down with the gigantic needle and injected me.
 I almost screamed but then I realized it didn't hurt at all! I had gotten worked up over nothing. I had to take allergy shots for the next four and a half years. But, I haven't been afraid of needles since.




 I was so nervous. I was in the doctor's office, about to get my first allergy shot. My little five-year old hands trembled with anxiety.
  "Rebecca Davis, we are ready for you." the tall, red haired receptionist said loudly.
  "O-okay." I stammered.
  I was led into a gray room. I was put on a plum colored chair. I chewed on my lips untill they bled. The doct or smiled att me and took out a syringe. It had a wicked needle. My breathing became slightly more rapid.
  The doctor swooped down and jabbed it into the soft flesh of my upper arm. I almost cried out. But, then I realized that it hadn't hurt at all! So, now I'm not afraid of needles at all. And I'm free of allergies.

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