Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My New Fantastically Awesome World

  Deep inside the center of our world is another world. One that's undeniably hot and much smaller than ours. The people, in turn, are also smaller, or at least they were, before the Great Flood of Kuthamancara.
  It was a Glugg (our equivalent to Monday) morning. As always the citizens of the great city, Kikorono, were at the Freysoa, a place of great worship. They were worshiping the great god, Moe. According to them, Moe had a beautiful wife, Serenedenia.
  Seredenia had long hair that was as golden as the sun. Her gold eyes sparkled. She was tall.  Although, she did have one fault.  She had the desire to have a child. A boy, so that if her husband ever left her for another sky fairy she would be able to marry her son.
  So, the cause of the flood was the baby she wanted. After a hard labor, she birthed a girl, who instantly grew into a young woman, s sky fairies do. But, because this girl was half god, and half sky fairy, she was more beautiful than her mother. Seredenia, mad with jealousy, tried to name her Nog, but Moe refused the name, and named his daughter, Aliana.  
  Aliana had longish hair that was black as a raven's wing. Her deep viloet eyes were speckled with silver. Aliana was much more admired than her mother and the people of Kikorono worshipped her along with the Moe.
  Seredenia's hair lost it's golden glow, and her eyes lost their sparkle, as she delved deeper into her jealousy. She somehow got it into her head that her husband was planning to marry his own daughter. Seredenia came up with a plan.
  A week earlier Seredenia had heard that the Ice Age of the Upper World was ending. The ice was melting, so it would be simple to drown everyone. She drilled through the earth and made drains. On the end of the Jujuke Festival the whole, small world flooded. All perished, except for Moe, Seredenia, and Aliana.
  It was a well known fact that Aliana was in love with a mortal. His name had been Akuji.
  Aliana wept for the loss of her lover. She refused to sleep or eat. Her beauty seemed to fade as her will to live did. Aliana soon died.
  Moe was griefridden. He cast out his wife to the Upper World. Seredenia, was unaccustomed to the outside air and died, as well. Moe was alone and he couldn't bear it. The Great God faded away. And all tha was left of the  Inner World was gone.

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