Monday, November 29, 2010

The Funeral

  I stood over the deceased body of my beloved father. His skin was pale and cold. I reached down and felt the marble-like texture of his skin. He had asked to be buried next to my mother. Unfortunately, I had no money to afford a grave. Yeah, I'm that broke.
  So, because my father had always loved eating fish, crabs, and more seafood, I figured it would be a good idea to throw him in the ocean. The fish would eat his body and then all the fish spirits in heaven would be okay with him eating them.
  I can just imagine a huge horde of fish with  a bunch of sea urchins on sticks and pitchforks chasing my father around in an angry mob. Then when they finally catch him... yeah, I have no idea. I'm not a fish.
  But, I can also imagine my father cursing me out because he didn't want his body eaten by fish. Perhaps, he would have rather been eaten by worms? I'll ask him when I pass away.

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