Monday, November 22, 2010

The Squeaking Shoes

  "Squeak, squeak, squeak." The shrill sound of squeaking shoes filled the school hallways.
  I seethed. What is the matter with people's shoes?! It had been an extremely rainy morning and my brain felt like it had been torn into a million pieces by a phsyco cat, thrown up, cremated, and after that my brain ashes had been recycled into cat litter.
  "I don't get why it annoys you so much." my friend, Jessica, said her Nikes squeaking.
  "It's awful." I said miserably.
  "How ironic." she laughed.
  "Your shoes are squeaking the most."
  "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed crazily. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  So, I went insane and tried to stab everyone with my ipod. The doctors said that I wasn't allowed to go to school on rainy or snowy day. If you think about it I'm actually pretty lucky. I, on average, skip a third of the school year.  Yay me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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