Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Space- Time Cloak

  The downfall of Man has occured. It all started when the scientists created the Space- Time cloak.  It erased time from everyone but the user. The idiot scientists didn't think it through though. They never really do.
  So, it's pretty simple what happened. I was sure the downfall of man would come with this device from the beginning. But, no. They never would listen to a twelve-year old. Those scientists like to think they're crazy smart.
  Anyway, what happened was that more people started to buy those cursed things. People used them all the time. No one's memory was complete. We couldn't learn from our mistakes because we couldn't remember them. It was everyone owned a reset button to the world. Whenever somebody did something wrong it was easy to fix it without trying. Criminal activity skyrocketed but no one knew. Stocks dropped but no was aware.
  In the end what really ended us was that people started to erase their enemies and in turn erasing most people. Soon, the beginning of the world was in the future. The whole human race ended up dead. So, now I'm in heaven having a great time telling everbody I told you so.

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