Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Fact

  "Now introducing our favorite host, Rebecca Davis!!!" a deep voice said.
  "Thank you! Let's meet our contestants." I said. "We have Mary Reed and Alfred Bonney here. Tell us a little about yourselves."
  "I am Mary Reed and I'm a reporter for Life Magazine. I love writing and I've come across a lot of strange facts. I'm here to WIN!!!" Mary Reed yelled.
  "I am Alfred Bonney. I'm a writer for Wikipedia. I'm going to win because my wallet is HUNGRY!!!" Alfred yelled.
  My contestants walked to their podiums.
  "Okay! Let's get started! Mary you go first. Are apple seeds toxic to humans?" I asked.
 "No?" she said.
 "Corrrect! Alfred, what kind of fork can be digested by the human stomach?"
 "None." he stated confidently.
 "Wrong!!!!" I yelled happily.
 Mr. Bonney looked ready to kill.
 "Mary, how are you?"
 "Wrong answer!" I smiled.
 "Wait! How was that a question?!" Mary shrieked.
 "Back talking the host, are you?" I asked with mock seriousness.
 "No!" she panicked.
 "Wrong answer!" I laughed.
 Ms. Reed looked positively purple with rage.
 "Are you an alien?" I asked.
 "Wrong answer!"
 "Do you like cherry pie?"
 "Wrong answer! You know I'm tired of you, Mary. Guards!" I yelled.
 Two large men came and dragged her away.
 "Okay! Alfred, if you can answer this question you win. What color is your underwear?"
 "" he said.
 "Wrong answer!"
 "But they are blue!" he screamed.
 "No.... they are indigo." I calmly said.
 "WHAT?!" the audience yelled increduosly.
 "Yup! Guards!"
 The guards came back and took him away. He was using language in a bad way. Fortunately, he won the title for the most curses in a single sentence.
 "I guess I win!!!!! Yay!!!!!!" I clapped loudly."So join us next time! Maybe you'll be the next victim... er....contestant."

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