Monday, December 13, 2010

Dog Magic

  I ran to my food bowl, my nails clacking on the tiled floor. I whined for my human to feed me. She came and spoke in her strange language.
  "Hungry?" she asked.
  "Hung gree?" I thought. "What does that mean?"
  My human pulled out a strange machine. Humans always complicate everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. It's ridiculous.
  "I hope you like your new doggy door. Then you won't whine when you have to go outside." my human chirped.
  "What the heck is she doing?" I thought.
  Taking the strange floppy machine, she attached it to the door.
  "Okay...go." she commanded.
  That was one word I had learned to recognize. Go. So, even though I was having a little spaz attack I walked into the machine... and I was suddenly outside! My human had made me a teleporter!
  Finally, I get something interesting from her! It was crazy and I spent hours using my teleporter. It was magic.

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