Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Bully

   "Ms. Daniv, your twelve o'clock is here." my secretary, Dana, announced.
   "Thank you, Dana."  I replied. "Send him in."
   In walked a tall, thin man with a scruffy goat beard.  He seemed vaguely familiar, but from where I had no idea.  I decided it didn't matter, and to commence the interview.
   "Hello, Mr. Drew.  You are here for a job interview, yes?"
   "Y-yes. " he stuttered.
   "What are your qualifications?" I asked, already doubting his ability.
   "I was an accountant before I came here."
   Soon, I couldn't ignore the overwhelming sense of knowing the guy.  I just had to ask.  Becoming a successful business owner hadn't diminished my curiosity.
   "Mr. Drew, do I know you from somewhere?" I asked.
   "Yes, I know you, Lei.  I'm Brent Drew.  You know, from middle school." he said meekly.
   What!?  I couldn't believe this rather pathetic, weak-willed man was the one who had tortured me throughout my middle school year.  He seemed so much...smaller in a way.  How had so much changed?
   "Okay.  Let us continue."  I said nonchalantly.  It didn't matter that much.
   "H-huh? Aren't you going to throw me out?" Brent whispered.
   "Honestly, I haven't though about you in years.  You're an insignificant part of my past.  What you did doesn't affect me." I answered truthfully.
   I got the impression that he was slightly offended as he got quieter as the interview proceeded.  I didn't end up hiring him.  He was just so spineless.  How could I let someone like that work in my company?

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