Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Diary of a Germ

Dear Diary,
           My name is Influenza Virus.  You can call me Flu.  Today is the day I finally split off from my parent to go see the world of my host, Luca.  Luca is around eight years old.  Gee, she's ancient!

 Dear Diary,
          I met another virus today when I was relaxing in the stomach acids.  Its name is Swine.  I think we will get along quite well.  Perhaps one day people will remember us as one being.  Wouldn't it be funny to be called Swine Flu?
         Anyway, it seems that Luca is becoming ill.  Perhaps I should go have fun by getting her sicker with Swine.  We're both pretty bored.  Oh well, it doesn't matter.  Luca seems to be dying.  I guess I'll have find another host.  I'll leave you here in Luca, Diary.  I can always start a new one.  Bye.

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