Monday, January 23, 2012

My Odd Illness

   It was one of those days when all should be happy, but believe me when I say I wasn't.  The sun was shining into my eyes, increasing the pain of my headache.  The birds' usually pleasant chirping was about to drive me insane.  I felt like I was about to die from my illness, but that wasn't the worst thing.
   Whenever I felt like I was about to sneeze, terrible Britney Spears music played out of my mouth.  I really despise the music of Britney Spears.  Her voice is a sickly bubblegum sweet that makes you gag.  My mother, despite the fact she understood I was ill, sent me to school.
   Everyone was staring at me as Oops! I Did It Again played through the classroom.  Oh God, it was so embarrassed!  No one would go near me, and the teacher threw me out of the classroom for distracting the class.  It wasn't my fault!
   When I went home my mother gave me medicine that stopped the music.  Couldn't she have given it to me before I was forced to go to school?  

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