Friday, January 13, 2012

My Name

   My middle name is Anne, which means grace.  I haven no grace at all, but I know why I was named that.   It is a tradition in my family that the eldest daughter from each household should have the middle name Anne.
   It all started out when my great grandmother was named Anne.  She named my grandmother Marlene An Strigelli. My grandmother married my grandfather, Zenek Cybak.  They had three daughters.  The eldest daughter, Dana Ann Cybak, is my mother, although she isn't a Cybak anymore.  
   When my mother had me, after she had my brother, it was obvious my middle name had to be Anne (spelled with an E like the original).  My aunt had two daughters.  The youngest died, but the eldest still had the middle name Ann.
   That is the rather complicated story of why my middle name is Anne.  Unfortunately, I'll also be obligated to give my eldest daughter the middle name Anne.  I'm not actually a fan of the name, so it's a bit irritating.

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