Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Multiple Personality Disorder

   I have been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Because of this I have another personality, Helen.  Obviously I have never met this personality, as only one of us can be in control at one time, but I do have dreams where I think I meet her.
     Helen looks just like me because we share the same body, but her personality is completely different.  She has a love of pink (ugh!), frilly dresses (ew!), and hates bats (gasp!).  If she had her own body I'm sure we would have never felt anything but irritation for each other.
   All of my friends have had to get used to me suddenly being replaced by her.  I'm pretty sure some of them actually prefer Helen.  I can't see why they would.  She's just too...flamboyant.  I've always been more of a quiet, antisocial creature, while Helen loves the limelight.
   I suppose we've both learned to live with each other, mostly because we have no other choice.  It's just something normal now.  So, we're both fairly happy.

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