Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Biggest Fan

   I'd have to say that my biggest fan is probably my little brother.  He seems to think that I can do non wrong, and he has a habit of copying what I do.  You may think that many younger siblings do that, but he takes it to a whole new level.
   For example, one day he stole some of my clothes.  I suppose he felt that to be like me he had to dress like me.  It was an odd, but hilarious thing to see my little (at the time) three year old brother drown in my clothes.  He didn't look like me, if you are wondering.
   It's kind of awkward to have a fan.  I could probably get him to what ever I want, which is creepy.  I'm not such a big fan of having power over my little brother.  He should develop his own unique personality, not one based off my ridiculously morbid and flawed one.  My brother has the potential to be better.

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