Friday, January 6, 2012

A Vacation to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

   I am planning to vacation in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.  It's a beautiful place, filled with mouth watering candies, cakes, and other sweet things.  I could camp out in the room in which everything is edible.  The Oompa Loompas would perform for me, and serve my every whim.
   Willy Wonka, himself, would teach me the secrets of candy making, provided that I wouldn't share them with anyone.  Charlie would play games and chat with me.  I'd eat dinner with the Buckets and Wonka.  I'd drink the soda that make you fly, have an everlasting gobstopper, and help Willy finally fix his one- meal gum.
   Maybe I'd visit Augustus to give him an all expense paid membership to Weight Watchers.  Good idea, right?  Violet could have some "help" dealing with her gum addiction.  I'm sure she'd do fine in rehab.  Veruca gets nothing but a slap across the face, and Mike will be receiving nothing.  Instead I will be destroying his television.  All in all, a very satisfying vacation plan.

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