Monday, February 27, 2012

If An Alien Visited My House

   The truth is an alien did visit my house...or more correctly my host's house, as I am the alien.  This may be slightly confusing to you, but believe me when I say it isn't that tough to understand.
   This all occured on a normal day, when my host was young and vulnerable to a parasitical lifeform.  I, a humble creature from Jupiter, was in need of a body to inhabit, as all creatures that live on Jupiter are made out of gas just like the planet.  Earth was different, so I was in need of a host.
   My host was only 48 Earth moons old, and female.  She was rather ugly, with her nongaseous form, and too loud voice.  This seemed to be a characteristics of most of the fleshy two-leg young.  Beggers can't be choosers, so the Earth beings say.  I entered through the ears, and it was uncomfortable to be weighed down by a body.
   It has been a long time since I entered my host.  She is elatively accomadating, and to repay her, I make things like math easier for her to learn.  She's not a bad girl.  It's just too bad my host was born as an Earthling instead of a memeber of the far more superior race of Jupiterites.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


   John Glenn, astronaut stared out the window of his spacecraft.  The Earth was like a big blue marble with whisps of white clouds on the surface.  It was a breathtaking.  It was more lovely than anything he had ever seen.
   The Earth's beauty was put to shame by the millions of stars littering the black void.  They twinkled like lights on a Christmas tree, and it was hard to believe that they were like the sun.  He was so glad he had been chosen for this project.
   Unfortunately the atmosphere only lasted so long.  John licked his lips nervously, suddenly thinking about all the things that cold go wrong.  What if it ran out of fuel?  What if he crashed?  Would he ever see his family again?
   Glancing back out the window, John realized something that he hadn't before.  No matter how much he loved space, home would always be home.  It didn't matter that space was beautiful.  The Earth was beautiful too, jsut in a different way.  He settled back into his seat to wait for the journey to be over.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Animal In Me

   "Owlet, what are you doing?" my cellmate, Goose, asked.
   "Eh? What do you think I'm doing? It isn't like there's anything here to do." I snapped.
   I did feel a little guilty about snapping at Goose, but what did he expect?  I'm an experiment that combined the DNA of an owl with a human.  I had a right to be grumpy.  Not to mention the fact my appointment with Dr. Freidrick was coming up.
   "Owlet, do you think Dr. Freidrick is going to ever let me go?" Goose asked hopefully.
   I shook my head at his naivety.  He had only been at the labs for a week, so it was no surprise he didn't realize that he wasn't ever being let out.  It had taken me three weeks to finally get over my delusions of freedom.  It may have been because by that time I was already infused with owl DNA.
   "Experiment 13, Dr. Freidrick wants you." some muscular guard's voice broke through my thoughts.
   "Yes, sir." I said, barely restraining my almost permanent tone of sarcasm.
   He 'escorted' me to a large white room where the rather intimidating Dr. Freidrick.  He was a hawk-like man with a hooked nose, blue-tinted skin, and black eyes that were cold an hole-like.  His voice was a smooth, low baritone with a light English accent.
   "Greetings, Owlet.  I'm looking forward to this session." he almost purred.
   "How...nice for you." I bit out.
   Dr. Freidrick smiled tightly at me.  I smirked back.  It was always such a pleasure to annoy the good doctor.
   "Owlet, shall we begin?"
   "Sure." I sighed.
   He grinned at me, and began his stupid tests.  He tested my eyesight, hearing, teeth, etc.  It was highly umcomfortable, and I hated every moment of it.  Then the worst thing happened.  He decided to check my wings.
   One of the results of the experiment ended up giving me giant owl wings.  Thet were the best thing I got out of the whole mess, and I didn't ever want to give them up.  They were beautiful, and I loved every chance I had to fly.
   I slowly unfurled my wings, and I heard the doctor gasp.  I was almost flattered that such a cold man appreciated my wings.  Almost.
   "Amazing..." he breathed in awe.
   Dr. Freidrick inspected the wings carefully, checking for any flaws.  He found none, which pleased my pride.  It was obvious he hadn't realized how stunning my wings were.
   "They seem healthy.  You are dismissed." he siad curtly.
   The guard took me back to my cell, and I was filled with the despair that always came after a trip to the white room.  What was the use in having wings, if you weren't free enough to fly?  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Loving Others

   The year is 3026 and things have greatly developed in some ways, not all of them good.  Beauty seems to be a huge deal, or at least it would if everyone didn't look exactly the same.  Allow me to explain.  All males are 6 ft. tall and 150 pounds, and all females are 5'5 and weigh 120 pounds.  There are no more blue, green, or hazel, eyes.  All eyes are either brown or black.
   My largest issue about the world is that all humans are preprogrammed at birth to love everyone as they love themselves.  Unfortunately, they didn't take into account about how much certain people hate themselves.  I feel rather indifferent to myself most of the time, so now I feel indifferent towards everyone.
   My cousin, who has severe self esteem issues, has been locked up because of the programming.  He hates himself, and, in turn, hates everyone else.  It's awful (or it would be if I wasn't indifferent towards everyone) because before he developed his self esteem issues he was one of my best friends.  Now, he can't stand the sight of me.
   I wonder how the world would have ended up without everyone loving everyone as they love themselves.  It certainly couldn't be much worse than this.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Human Mating

   Annie is my best friend, despite the fact that she's a human.  Most of the time she's a lot of fun, but sometimes I just don't get her.  A lot of the time what she does just seems so ridiculously odd.
   One time, when she was preparing to take me for a walk her mate, Christo, burst into the room.  He greeted her with some sort of wrestling hold, even though it's much more polite to simply sniff the rear.          Annie completely ignored me (imagine ignoring me!), and started to make large, moony eyes at Christo, who made them back.  Completely odd.  The human mating ritual seems so unnecessarily long and complicated.
   Christo patted my head, and dragged Annie out the door.  It's very rude not to honor former appointments, but I guess I can understand the importance of doing the mating ritual properly.  I hope she had fun.


Unusual Punishment

   I stood before Judge Wilson, as her dark probing eyes examined my immaculately groomed hair, teeth, and suit.  I had committed a crime of an unusual nature, so it was only fair that I get to have an equally unusual punishment.  At least, that's what I thought.
   "Miss. Davidson, you are hereby found guilty of breaking into people's houses and stealing their computer mice.  You are sentenced to working at Apple, making computer mice for a year."  Judge Wilson cried out.
   I grinned evilly.  This was wonderful!  I could steal as many mice as I wanted now, and who would know?  Why, no one would know.
   "Yes, sir!  I promise to be a good citizen, just like Mommy Wilson wants."  I smirked.
   The judge ground her teeth, but allowed me to leave.  Whistling, I gazed out at all the people walking around.  Each one probably had a computer with a mouse I could steal.  I was fairly giddy with anticipation.
   A man in a black suit and shiny dress shoes walked up to me.  He wore a name tag proudly declaring his name as Harold (hahaha.)  Harold walked with an obvious swagger, and his nose was in the air.
   "Miss. Davidson, I presume." he sniffed imperiously.
   "You really shouldn't presume.  Who knows what you'll be wrong about?" I beamed.
   "Are you Miss. Davidson or not?" he asked.
   "Yeah, that would be me.  I am the beautiful, talented Rachel Davidson, thief of computer mice." I said proudly.
   Harold (hahaha) rolled his eyes, and I was forced into a shiny black limo.  We drove away to the company.
   In a few months I was the boss of the company, and I had access to as many computer mice as I wanted.  It was a dream come true.  The company even ignored my past criminal record.