Monday, February 6, 2012

Human Mating

   Annie is my best friend, despite the fact that she's a human.  Most of the time she's a lot of fun, but sometimes I just don't get her.  A lot of the time what she does just seems so ridiculously odd.
   One time, when she was preparing to take me for a walk her mate, Christo, burst into the room.  He greeted her with some sort of wrestling hold, even though it's much more polite to simply sniff the rear.          Annie completely ignored me (imagine ignoring me!), and started to make large, moony eyes at Christo, who made them back.  Completely odd.  The human mating ritual seems so unnecessarily long and complicated.
   Christo patted my head, and dragged Annie out the door.  It's very rude not to honor former appointments, but I guess I can understand the importance of doing the mating ritual properly.  I hope she had fun.


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