Monday, February 13, 2012

Loving Others

   The year is 3026 and things have greatly developed in some ways, not all of them good.  Beauty seems to be a huge deal, or at least it would if everyone didn't look exactly the same.  Allow me to explain.  All males are 6 ft. tall and 150 pounds, and all females are 5'5 and weigh 120 pounds.  There are no more blue, green, or hazel, eyes.  All eyes are either brown or black.
   My largest issue about the world is that all humans are preprogrammed at birth to love everyone as they love themselves.  Unfortunately, they didn't take into account about how much certain people hate themselves.  I feel rather indifferent to myself most of the time, so now I feel indifferent towards everyone.
   My cousin, who has severe self esteem issues, has been locked up because of the programming.  He hates himself, and, in turn, hates everyone else.  It's awful (or it would be if I wasn't indifferent towards everyone) because before he developed his self esteem issues he was one of my best friends.  Now, he can't stand the sight of me.
   I wonder how the world would have ended up without everyone loving everyone as they love themselves.  It certainly couldn't be much worse than this.  

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