Monday, February 27, 2012

If An Alien Visited My House

   The truth is an alien did visit my house...or more correctly my host's house, as I am the alien.  This may be slightly confusing to you, but believe me when I say it isn't that tough to understand.
   This all occured on a normal day, when my host was young and vulnerable to a parasitical lifeform.  I, a humble creature from Jupiter, was in need of a body to inhabit, as all creatures that live on Jupiter are made out of gas just like the planet.  Earth was different, so I was in need of a host.
   My host was only 48 Earth moons old, and female.  She was rather ugly, with her nongaseous form, and too loud voice.  This seemed to be a characteristics of most of the fleshy two-leg young.  Beggers can't be choosers, so the Earth beings say.  I entered through the ears, and it was uncomfortable to be weighed down by a body.
   It has been a long time since I entered my host.  She is elatively accomadating, and to repay her, I make things like math easier for her to learn.  She's not a bad girl.  It's just too bad my host was born as an Earthling instead of a memeber of the far more superior race of Jupiterites.

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