Monday, March 5, 2012


   Her laughter broke the silence of the library.  A wrinkled librarian scowled at her, grumpily making a shhh-ing gesture.  The formerly laughing girl solemnly nodded back.
   This girl's name was Tally Greyel, and she was only four years-old, despite the fact that she was curled up with a book of Edgar Allen Poe's short stories.  One could call her the mascot of the library.  All the librarians knew who she was.  All the people who regularly visited called her "the little genius girl."
   Tally's mother was a shrewish woman that didn't allow her daughter to do anything but read.  Because of this, the girl taught herself to read by the time she was one year-old.  If her mother wasn't so disagreeable this never would have happened.
   I was a librarian that genuinely cared for Tally, and I'd like to think that I was almost like a substitute mother.  
   "Tally, aren't you going home?  Your mother will be wondering where you are?"  I asked her one day.
   "But Ms. Macyll I don't want to go home.  My mommy doesn't remember to feed me like you do."  Tally pouted.
   I saw red.  How dare that horrible shrew forget about her own child!  It was disgusting!  
  "Tally, I think we should go to the police right now." I said.
   "If we go there you won't have to live with your mommy.  You'll get food."  I smiled tightly.
   "O-okay!" she beamed up at me.
   Even if I hated her mother, Tally was probbly the sweetest girl I had ever met, and I wasn't going to let anyone change that.       

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