Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Time Out

   The clock ticked quietly in the stillness of the room.  Erika sat sadly on her bed, waiting for her punishment to be over.  The sounds of Erika's brother laughing outside filled her with fury.  It was his fault she was stuk in time out!
   Earlier that day Erika had been drawing a picture of her little brother playing with his blocks.  He looked so cute. so she really couldn't help but want to capture the moment.  So, she went to get a blue crayon that seemed to have disapeared.  When she got back she was almost instantly yelled at by her mom.
   Ethan, her little brother, had stolen one of the craons and scribbled all over the wall.  Despite the fact that Erika hadn't even been in the room, she was blamed because her hands had been covered in colored wax.  No one ever listened to her when she spoke, and it was so irritating!
   "Erika, you're punishment is over!" her mother yelled from the kitchen.
   Erika swore she wouldn't forgive her family for wrongly accusing her ever!  She wouldb become a judge,  so that no ne would ever be wrongly accused again.  It was a perfect career for her, she just knew it.  

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