Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What I Can Do Now

   Last year there was a lot that I couldn't do.  I couldn't say that I was taller than anyone in my family except for my cousin, but she's only 4'10.  There was no way I could reach the top of the tallest bookshelf at the library, and I had no chance at winning an argument with my parents.  Fortunately, I can now do all of these things.
   I'll admit to the fact that last year I couldn't do much, and I knew it then as well.  It irritated me that no one would bother listening to my thoughts about certain issues.  If I explained why I couldn't do something I was told to stop talking back.  If I wanted to speak my opinions about an "adult" topic, such as politics or world problems,  I was told to go play, and that I wasn't old enough to talk about these things.
   This year, adults seem to see me more as an equal, and less as an inferior being.  Despite that fat that my opinion and reasoning has basically remained the same,  adults listen more.  I do appreciate people actually considering my opinions, but it irritates me that my age had gotten in the way of that before.  I hadn't changed other than my age, so I don't get what makes this year so different.

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