Wednesday, March 7, 2012


   "An invisibility potion? You can't expect me to believe that."  I said skeptically.
   "Don't be such a downer.  Just let me take it.  What can it hurt?"  Mina said, irritated at my realistic outlook.
   "Who knows what's in it?  Are you going to take the risk of it being something like slug intestines?" I asked slyly.
   Mina's face grew pale with disgust.  She almost instantly gave the liquid to me, and ran away in her haste to get away from the possible slug guts.  Such a scaredy-cat.
   I grinned at my own cleverness.  I now had a real invisibility potion.  Despite the fact it would only last one day, I knew it was worth tricking my friend.  Some opportunities are too important to let it pass by.  Even if it resulted in betraying a friend.
   I had so many plans.  I went to the president's office, and undermined his plan to cancel summer vacation.  He wasn't thrilled, but I was never caught.  I just know that Mina would be greatful if she knew. All she planned to do was peek on her boyfriend.  My plan was so much more productive.

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