Monday, March 12, 2012

Hotel of Horror

   It was our annual trip to Myrtle Beach.  It was also the first time my younger brother had joined us for the long trip.  In a moment of brilliance my parents decided they'd stop three-quarters of the way way there, spend the night, and continuue drving in the morning.  That way we wouldn't have to deal with a cranky infant.
   The plan was pretty well thought out.  The only issue was how absolutely awful the hotel was.  The beds were uncomfortable and stained with God knows what.  The pool was green with a layer of insects floating on top.  I was very concerned that there were cockroaches crawling around.
   "I'm not sleeping in that...that thing!" Matt, my older brother, whined.
   "He does have a point..." I shifted nervously, avoiding the large rust colored stain on the floor.
   "Well, what do you want us to do about it?" my dad said crankily.
   Obviously, he couldn't really do anything about it.  As we all settled into the crusty bed,  I prayed that I wouldn't end up in a hotel like this ever again.

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