Monday, February 6, 2012

Unusual Punishment

   I stood before Judge Wilson, as her dark probing eyes examined my immaculately groomed hair, teeth, and suit.  I had committed a crime of an unusual nature, so it was only fair that I get to have an equally unusual punishment.  At least, that's what I thought.
   "Miss. Davidson, you are hereby found guilty of breaking into people's houses and stealing their computer mice.  You are sentenced to working at Apple, making computer mice for a year."  Judge Wilson cried out.
   I grinned evilly.  This was wonderful!  I could steal as many mice as I wanted now, and who would know?  Why, no one would know.
   "Yes, sir!  I promise to be a good citizen, just like Mommy Wilson wants."  I smirked.
   The judge ground her teeth, but allowed me to leave.  Whistling, I gazed out at all the people walking around.  Each one probably had a computer with a mouse I could steal.  I was fairly giddy with anticipation.
   A man in a black suit and shiny dress shoes walked up to me.  He wore a name tag proudly declaring his name as Harold (hahaha.)  Harold walked with an obvious swagger, and his nose was in the air.
   "Miss. Davidson, I presume." he sniffed imperiously.
   "You really shouldn't presume.  Who knows what you'll be wrong about?" I beamed.
   "Are you Miss. Davidson or not?" he asked.
   "Yeah, that would be me.  I am the beautiful, talented Rachel Davidson, thief of computer mice." I said proudly.
   Harold (hahaha) rolled his eyes, and I was forced into a shiny black limo.  We drove away to the company.
   In a few months I was the boss of the company, and I had access to as many computer mice as I wanted.  It was a dream come true.  The company even ignored my past criminal record.

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