Monday, May 21, 2012

The Hole

   There's something magical about a deep. dark hole.  It's in the way you can't make out the bottom, and you can't quite convince yourself that if you fall in you won't just fall forever, alone in the dark.  You wonder whether or not you might find yourself in Wonderland, just like Alice.  The moment you see it you just have to look closet.  Do you know what I mean?
   That's what I experienced when I saw the hole in the courtyard.  It was a sort of lopsided circle, with roots sticking out of the sides.  When I looked down, there was no way to see the bottom.  It was just a black pit in the ground.  I felt it was special, though.  A hole showing up out of nowhere naturally feels unusual, maybe even interesting.  I jumped.
   Air whistled in my ears as I plummeted.  It was exhilerating, but about four feet down, it stopped.  My face stung with gravel, and I blinked away tears of disapointment.  I guess it was just a hole after all.

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