Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Self Destruct Button

   When I think of buttons the first thing I think of is the self destruct button.  Even as a child that particular chilche made absolutely no sense to me.  In all these movies and books, the villian would be foiled by the hero or themselves pressing on the self destruct  button.  Why the heck would anyone put a self destruct button on a death laser (or any other weapon)?
   As a young child I asked people all time about that issue.  No one else ever seemed to think about the absolute stupidity of a self destruct button, and it irritated me.  Surely not all villians were that stupid, right?
   My opinion on the cliche button hasn't really changed at all over the years.  The only thing that has changed is that some of the time it's just for comic relief.  I don't think it's realistic at all, and villians should be defeated in a more original way.

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