Wednesday, May 23, 2012


   SpaceX has successfully launched the rocket dubbed the Falcon 9, carrying a spacecraft called Dragon. It is the first commercial company to try to launch a spacecract to the International Space Station.  This is exciting for everyone, even if you aren't interestedi n space travel.  Imagine all the things that will come from commercial sapce travel.
   Space tourism would be an almost guaranteed success.  If people will pay to go to Italy or France, why wouldn't they pay to go into space, which has much more interesting things to see.  Many inventions we use today have been created for the sapce program originally, such as the smoke detector.  Imagine the new things that will be invented to improve commercial space travel.
   The benefits of this will be impressive.  Though it will be expensive at first, all new technology eventually lowers in price.  Soon, we'll all be able to take a vacation in space.

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