Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Music Premontion

   "...and the shadow of the day will embrace the world in gray." sang a voice from the radio.  It was the third time that day that I had guessed what song would be next.  I was right every time.
   My mom was staring at me in shocked awe.  My cousins, who were staying with us at the time, looked at me in wide-eyed fascination.  I was just as shocked as they were.
   "How do you do that?" Harrison, my older cousin, asked.
   "Yeah, how do ya do dat?" asked my younger cousin, Aiden.
   I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as their stares tried to pierce into my soul.  Okay, maybe that is a little dramatic, but it was freaky.  They waited for my answer.
   "I don't know." I said with fake nonchalance.
   "No way! You gotta know!" Harrison yelled.
   I seriously didn't know.  I tried to guess the next song, but this time it was wrong.  We all dismissed it as a coincidence.  Maybe it was, or maybe it wasn't.

Monday, November 28, 2011

My Friend is a Peach

   I have a friend, Jessica, who reminds me of a peach.  She has all the properties of a peach except for the coloring, as humans generally aren't a reddish orange.  I find it interesting to compare my friends to fruit, but Jessica is the only peach.
   First, Jessica is sweet like a peach.  She's nice and quiet, and kind to basically everyone.  I'm not really sure how she manages it.  At the same time she's soft.  She lets people get away with almost anything, and step all over her.
   A peach bruises easily when dropped.  Jessica does too, only metaphorically.  She is easily offended when someone criticizes her, or if someone makes fun of her.  Thicker skin would probably help.
   Despite a peach's flaws it still happens to be one of my favorite fruits, just like Jessica is one of my favorite friends.  I don't really want her to change.  I don't want peaches to change either.  They're fine the way they are.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Lightest Material Ever Made by Man

  Recently scientists have created the lightest man made material ever.  The question is what the heck are we going to do with it now?  I have a few ideas.  Some of them are
   For example, one of my ideas is the ultimate trampoline.  The material apparently bounces back kind of like a sponge.  Just imagine the wonder of the material being in a trampoline.  I see it as the newest trampoline design that all kids will want.
   Another idea is summer clothes.  The heat gets unbearable in certain areas of the world, so lighter clothes would certainly help.  Unfortunately, clothes matters a lot to people, especially young girls.  It would be nice for them if their fashionable jeans were as cool as wearing shorts.
   My last idea I will tell you about is using it for insane asylum silverware.  It's still metal, it will pick up food, but it will be too light to seriously hurt anyone if a patient tries to kill someone.  It's always a good when less people get stabbed by forks.
   Honestly, there are so many possibilities.  Who knows where this fabric will lead us?  I certainly don't.      

Friday, November 18, 2011

Model Dogs

   The photographer, Mr. Freano, snapped shots of me in a beautiful tuxedo for his new calendar.  I posed wonderfully, with passion and grace.  The lighting crew was gasping at my beauty.
   "Okay!  Julie,  go dress Theo in his pilot costume." Freano said to my personal dresser/make-up artist.
   "Sure!  Mr. Freano, do we want to include the googles." Julie asked, and when Freano nodded, she swooped me out of the room.
   My dressing room was painted in a lovely green that reminded me of the grass I ate this morning so I could throw up my breakfast.  You got to stay skinny when you're a model.  Julie brushed through my stunning white fur, and shoved my lithe body into a jumpsuit and vest.  The goggles blocked my sparkling black eyes, so that was unfortunate, and along with the fact the stupid girl stepped on my tail I was not in a good mood.
   Despite that the photo shoot went fabulous, and I got a spot on the front cover of the 2012 Doggy Calendar.  I, Theo Barker, am the top dog model in the world.  Pretty cool, right?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stupid Song Lyrics

   It's no secret that many songs have stupid lyrics.  Some of them don't make sense at all.  I've decided to go into the song by Taylor Swift, Love story.  The tune is fairly good, and while it isn't even close to songs I love, it's not bad.
   The song is supposed to be about Romeo and Juliet. but it doesn't follow the story well at all.  First of all, the song ends happily, which as we all know doesn't happen.  The couple actually commits a double suicide.  You can't mention the most famous ill-fated lovers if you don't mention why they're ill-fated.
   Another thing that makes it all wrong is the lyrics "...'cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter."  In fact a scarlet letter is somethings you wear when you cheat on your spouse.  It is considered a shameful thing.  Even if was possible to be a scarlet letter why would you want to be one?
   This is just one example of stupid lyrics.  I think, that while Taylor Swift is a great singer,perhaps she never read the book.  Not that that is a bad thing, but she really should know a little more about what she sings about.    

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Dark Tunnel

   My teeth were grinding in frustration as I found myself yet again in my stupid reoccurring dream.  Every night for the last month had been filled with the same ridiculous/slightly frightening dream of walking through a pitch black tunnel with hissing voices whispering my name in a serial killer fashion.  It was beginning to get annoying.
   I will confess to the fact that the first three times I had the dream I was kind of scared.  After that they became annoyingly repetitive.  Instead of being filled with paralyzing fear I was filled with the kind of annoyance that makes you want to stab something.
   This time I was not going to deal with the frustrating dream.  This was my mind, and I was going to force the dream out if it was the last thing I did.  Apparently my sheer stubbornness made the dream run away in fear.  I never had it again.  If I had known that I could stop it that easily I would have simply killed the dream with my mind power.