Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Music Premontion

   "...and the shadow of the day will embrace the world in gray." sang a voice from the radio.  It was the third time that day that I had guessed what song would be next.  I was right every time.
   My mom was staring at me in shocked awe.  My cousins, who were staying with us at the time, looked at me in wide-eyed fascination.  I was just as shocked as they were.
   "How do you do that?" Harrison, my older cousin, asked.
   "Yeah, how do ya do dat?" asked my younger cousin, Aiden.
   I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as their stares tried to pierce into my soul.  Okay, maybe that is a little dramatic, but it was freaky.  They waited for my answer.
   "I don't know." I said with fake nonchalance.
   "No way! You gotta know!" Harrison yelled.
   I seriously didn't know.  I tried to guess the next song, but this time it was wrong.  We all dismissed it as a coincidence.  Maybe it was, or maybe it wasn't.

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