Monday, November 28, 2011

My Friend is a Peach

   I have a friend, Jessica, who reminds me of a peach.  She has all the properties of a peach except for the coloring, as humans generally aren't a reddish orange.  I find it interesting to compare my friends to fruit, but Jessica is the only peach.
   First, Jessica is sweet like a peach.  She's nice and quiet, and kind to basically everyone.  I'm not really sure how she manages it.  At the same time she's soft.  She lets people get away with almost anything, and step all over her.
   A peach bruises easily when dropped.  Jessica does too, only metaphorically.  She is easily offended when someone criticizes her, or if someone makes fun of her.  Thicker skin would probably help.
   Despite a peach's flaws it still happens to be one of my favorite fruits, just like Jessica is one of my favorite friends.  I don't really want her to change.  I don't want peaches to change either.  They're fine the way they are.

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