Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stupid Song Lyrics

   It's no secret that many songs have stupid lyrics.  Some of them don't make sense at all.  I've decided to go into the song by Taylor Swift, Love story.  The tune is fairly good, and while it isn't even close to songs I love, it's not bad.
   The song is supposed to be about Romeo and Juliet. but it doesn't follow the story well at all.  First of all, the song ends happily, which as we all know doesn't happen.  The couple actually commits a double suicide.  You can't mention the most famous ill-fated lovers if you don't mention why they're ill-fated.
   Another thing that makes it all wrong is the lyrics "...'cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter."  In fact a scarlet letter is somethings you wear when you cheat on your spouse.  It is considered a shameful thing.  Even if was possible to be a scarlet letter why would you want to be one?
   This is just one example of stupid lyrics.  I think, that while Taylor Swift is a great singer,perhaps she never read the book.  Not that that is a bad thing, but she really should know a little more about what she sings about.    

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