Monday, April 30, 2012

Wind Farms

   Recently, there has been a study about wind farms.  Apparently, they may be able to change the temperature.  This could affect animals and plant life.  The question is where this is going.
   We don't actually know who did this study, so it concerns me.  How can we be sure it's from a credible source?  Without knowing who did this, it's hard to figure out whether or not it is true.
   If it is true, we should probably use more solar energy from now on.  We don't want to the extinction of more plants and animals.  Humans don't have the best track record with causing extinction.  It is important to make sure that solar power doesn't affect our environment just as much as wind farms.  Being more careful about how newer energy sources affect the world around us will help avoid these problems.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


   It is fantastic that we study our universe and other universes because of a lot of things.  There's knowledge for the sake of knowledge, of course.  You need to remember that eventually the sun will explode, and we'll all die, unless we know enough to get to a hospitable planet that we can live on.
   We all wonder whether or not we'll find life on other planets, and I think we will.  To think that we're the only ones is kind of arrogant.  With all the galaxies in all the universes in all the dimensions, how can there not be some ither life.
   The whole theory about alternate universes makes me think there has to be life in other places as well.  If there's another Earth, it's reasonable to assume that there is life on it.  There must be life.  Whether they look like us or something completely different remains to be seen.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby's First Words

   My mom's first words were her favorite food, french fries.  It wasn't mama or dada or anything easy.  She said french fries.  While this was odd, her parents probably could have ignored it if she hadn't said it all the time.  When her mom asked her anything the answer would be french fries.  Sometimes this was really funny.  Even when she learned a few more words it was her primary word.
   One day my grandmother decided to ask my mom a few questions to get her to stop saying french fries all the time.
   "Dana, who am I?" she asked.
   "French fries!" my mom screamed.
   "Who am I?" she stressed.
   "French fries!"
   No matter what she said my mom wouldn't say anything else.  It was bizarre that such a difficult word would be her first, and none of us have any reason available to explain it.

Friday, April 20, 2012


   If I could choose to relive something, I think I'd probably like to start when I was three and then onward. I'd like to still know everything that I know now, because I'd be able to know what would happen, and I'd be able to fix the mistakes I made before they happened.  THere are ao many things that I could have done better if I had known what I know now.
   I think everyone wishes that they could relive their life, but it isn't going to happen.  There's no reset button in real life.  As the saying goes, "Life isn't getting all the good cards.  It's how you deal with the bad ones." I believe in that.
   It isn't only about the things I regret, though.  It's also about how useful it would be to know so many things while young.  I'd be considered a genius, and I'd get to learn so much more than I could only living once.  Knowledge is probably the most important reason to me.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Business Paragraph

            My business is a costume store.  It is called Deceptive Disguises.  It will sell all kinds of costumes from Halloween costumes to costumes more suitable for a masquerade ball.  They would come in all sizes and shapes.  There would have to be an online version as well, but the actual store would be located in a busy shopping center or something along those lines.
            Deceptive Disguises also will offer custom made costumes for those who want to design something entirely new.  They’ll be done within a month or two, so be sure to order in advance to when you need it.  We will offer many different fabric selections, and color options.  The process will be simple, and we will have very capable employees.     


   Pride is something very dangerous.  It's difficult to think that being proud of yourself could be wrong, and we all have something we're proud of.  The thing is pride can easily become a negative thing if you have too much of it.
   Being prideful can cause you to refuse help in all forms even when you really need it.  Over-inflated pride leaves you believing you're far more important than you actually are.  It's a hazardous thing, as it can easily lead to conflict.
   A proud person may not feel able to admit that they're wrong, even if they know they are.  Arguments can turn wildly out of control, and you could easily lose a good relationship becasue of pride.
   Pride leads to other unfortunate things.  It leads to jealousy, arrogance, stubborness, and lies.  When people say pride is the root of all evil they aren't too far off.  It's not that hard to see why humility is a good quality in a person.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

It's a Bad World (Parody of It's a Small World)

It's a world of slaughter, a world of tears.
It's a world of death, it's a world of fears.
It is just so rare,
To see people who care.
It's a bad world after all.

It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad, bad world.

There is just one moon, and one golden sun,
The apocalpyse will kill everyone.
And we'll all be fried,
And death shall ride,
It's a bad bad world.

It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad world after all.
It's a bad, bad world.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chimpanzee Babysitting

   "Please!" my friend yelled over the phone.
   "No! I'm not watching you're chimpanzee! Ask Megan!"  I yelled back.
   "B-but R, I need your help!" she stuttered miserably.  "I need to go to my grandma's funeral."
   I felt myself weakening in resolve.  How could I leave my friend in a predicacment like this?  Why couldn't Magan watch the chimpanzee?  I had no idea what i was supposed to do.
   "Why can't Megan do it?" I said more softly.
   "She's in France, remember?"
   "Fine, I'll watch your stupid monkey."  I sighed.
   "His name is Prince Philip Montgomery the Third!" she sniffed.
   Right.  I decided to just call him Phil, as I so didn't want to do that.  The whole idea of such a long name was stupid, although I wouldn't tell her that.
   This began the worst day of my life.  Phil was a monster!  He wouldn't listen to my instructions at all.  He refused to eat anything, and, despite the fact he was house broken, he went all over the house.  I was at a loss.
  "Phil! Get down now!" I shrieked.  "Get down!"
   Phil didn't even seem to register the fact that I was yelling at him.  Was he deaf?  Then I realized something.  My friend would never give her monkey a nickname.
   "Prince Philip Montgomery the Third!  Get down and go to sleep now!"  I yelled.
   The chimpanzee instantly fell off the chandelier and fell asleep.  I sighed in relief, and I was too tired to do anything but follow his example.  I'm never watching a chimpanzee ever again.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Favorite Movies

   If I'm honest I really can't choose a favorite movie.  There's far too amny great movies out there, and some of them can't be compared because they don't come close to sharing the same genre.  There are three movies that I know would make it into my top three.  They are The Dark Knight, Inception, and Pitch Black.  I'm just going to go into Pitch Black.
   Pitch Black is a movie about a group of space travelers that crash on a planet called Hades.  It has three suns, and it is always day because of that.  Every twenty-two years a complete eclipse happen and the planet is in complete darkness.  Unfortunately, this eclipse is about to happen, and the planet houses bloodthirsty creatures that can't go above ground except when it's dark.  The survivors, including children, a mercenary, a holy man, a dangerous convict, a couple, and a fake captain, have to band together to get off of this hostile planet.
   It's a fantastic movie even if the effects in the beginning look a little dated.  It's filled with action, suspense, and violence.  The characters are interesting, especially the convict.  It leaves you wanting to know more about their back stories.