Wednesday, April 25, 2012


   It is fantastic that we study our universe and other universes because of a lot of things.  There's knowledge for the sake of knowledge, of course.  You need to remember that eventually the sun will explode, and we'll all die, unless we know enough to get to a hospitable planet that we can live on.
   We all wonder whether or not we'll find life on other planets, and I think we will.  To think that we're the only ones is kind of arrogant.  With all the galaxies in all the universes in all the dimensions, how can there not be some ither life.
   The whole theory about alternate universes makes me think there has to be life in other places as well.  If there's another Earth, it's reasonable to assume that there is life on it.  There must be life.  Whether they look like us or something completely different remains to be seen.

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