Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chimpanzee Babysitting

   "Please!" my friend yelled over the phone.
   "No! I'm not watching you're chimpanzee! Ask Megan!"  I yelled back.
   "B-but R, I need your help!" she stuttered miserably.  "I need to go to my grandma's funeral."
   I felt myself weakening in resolve.  How could I leave my friend in a predicacment like this?  Why couldn't Magan watch the chimpanzee?  I had no idea what i was supposed to do.
   "Why can't Megan do it?" I said more softly.
   "She's in France, remember?"
   "Fine, I'll watch your stupid monkey."  I sighed.
   "His name is Prince Philip Montgomery the Third!" she sniffed.
   Right.  I decided to just call him Phil, as I so didn't want to do that.  The whole idea of such a long name was stupid, although I wouldn't tell her that.
   This began the worst day of my life.  Phil was a monster!  He wouldn't listen to my instructions at all.  He refused to eat anything, and, despite the fact he was house broken, he went all over the house.  I was at a loss.
  "Phil! Get down now!" I shrieked.  "Get down!"
   Phil didn't even seem to register the fact that I was yelling at him.  Was he deaf?  Then I realized something.  My friend would never give her monkey a nickname.
   "Prince Philip Montgomery the Third!  Get down and go to sleep now!"  I yelled.
   The chimpanzee instantly fell off the chandelier and fell asleep.  I sighed in relief, and I was too tired to do anything but follow his example.  I'm never watching a chimpanzee ever again.

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