Wednesday, April 18, 2012


   Pride is something very dangerous.  It's difficult to think that being proud of yourself could be wrong, and we all have something we're proud of.  The thing is pride can easily become a negative thing if you have too much of it.
   Being prideful can cause you to refuse help in all forms even when you really need it.  Over-inflated pride leaves you believing you're far more important than you actually are.  It's a hazardous thing, as it can easily lead to conflict.
   A proud person may not feel able to admit that they're wrong, even if they know they are.  Arguments can turn wildly out of control, and you could easily lose a good relationship becasue of pride.
   Pride leads to other unfortunate things.  It leads to jealousy, arrogance, stubborness, and lies.  When people say pride is the root of all evil they aren't too far off.  It's not that hard to see why humility is a good quality in a person.  

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