Monday, February 28, 2011

The Great Vacation War

    It was one of those cold, windy days in March that everyone hates. Well, almost everyone hates them. My parents were debating on where we would go for vacation. It was between Myrtle Beach and Wildwood.
  "Myrtle Beach has warmer water." argued my mom.
  "Sure it does. But, have you noticed that it's eight hours away, and we have a two-year old with us." Dad said.
  "Matthew hates Wildwood." Mom insisted.
  "Chase can't handle the ride. He's two." Dad said.
  "Why don't you ask us?" I asked. gesturing toward my brothers and I.
  "Rebecca, please go entertain Chase." they dismissively said.
  They argued off and on for a week until my siblings and I stepped in.
  "Really? You've been arguing all week. Just choose a place." Matthew irratibly demanded.
  "You're making Chase antsy." I added.
  "Oooooh!" Chase screamed.
  Mom and Dad saw our reactions and finally chose Myrtle Beach.  We had a good time, so it was all good.

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