Friday, February 25, 2011

My Very Humiliating Role

  "You're on soon, Xavier! Get dressed!" the director yelled.
  I swallowed nervously, and stared at my costume. It was so humiliating! The costume was a girlish toga thing. I was going to wear 6-inch stiletto heels. Apparently, they made me look more womanly. The wig I was given was a golden blond and really itchy.
  I growled as I put on the outfit. It's not like I wanted to play a woman, but my agent promised she had the perfect role for me. Yeah, right.
  My part was the leading lady. In other words I'd have to kiss some dude. The main hero was good looking, I guess. I have a wife, and this will be so embarrassing.
  I took a deep breath and walked on stage. I heard cat calls and whistling from the audience. My face heated up with anger and humiliation. 
  A few hours later I was running away from weird guys who wanted my number. I guess that I make a good woman? Ugh.

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