Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Caveman Government

  "Fugian Council! It is time to create our government!" yelled Ugen.
  "Perhaps, but who is to create the laws?" Flug asked warily.
  "Do not be stupid, Flug! Clearly, the Great Urgen Flurgen will create the laws. He is the wisest of all!" Allf scoffed.
  Flug looked relieved and then very insulted. How dare he suggest Flug was stupid! Just as he was about to kick Allf, a lanky, thin caveman with white hair put his arm in front of him.
  "Do not hurt him. There is no need. I will create your laws." the man soothed.
  "Oh! The Great Urgen Flurgen is here!" the council screamed in unison.
  "Be calm. These are the laws:
 1. If you desire something from another give something in return.
 2. Kill any man who kills a family member.
 3. Cut off the hands of any children who disobey an elder."
  "How genius, O Great Urgen Flurgen!" they cried.
  The Great Urgen Flurgen slipped silently away into the fog. He left the cavemen to kill each other because we all know that every government needed a leader. He hadn't botherwed to appoint one.

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