Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Big Discovery

  It was a very solemn day, but I wasn't sure why. My whole family looked miserable. The sky seemed to have been drained of all color.  I had been forced into an itchy purple dress, and pinchy black shoes. I felt like crying.
  As we stepped up on a platform, I saw my six year-old cousin laying in a coffin. My little five year-old brain couldn't comprehend it.
  "Mommy?" I whispered.
  "Shhhh." she said.
   I pouted, and because everyone else did I went up and touched my cousin's hand. It was cold. Not the cold of snow or the cold of the freezer, but a new, entirely different cold. It was only later that I knew it was the cold of death.
  Suddenly, I understood that my cousin was gone. She wasn't coming back, and I cried.

1 comment:

  1. Becca! That's so depressing. You would tottaly write something like this. Is this a true story? I hope not.
